Ski France Premium Chalets is a Limited company : Ski France Premium Chalets Ltd, company number 3893188, registered address and postal address: 44 Connaught Street, London W2 2AA, UK.

Ski France Premium Chalets Ltd is 100% owned by their parent holding company, EUROGROUP SAS, capital of 2.100.000€, SIREN number 383 109 873, SIRET number 383 873 00232, registered at the Commerce de Chambéry, APE number 5510Z, inter-community VAT number FR08383109873, registered address: 472 rue de la Leysse, 73000 Chambéry, FRANCE.

The purpose of this privacy policy is to inform you about the use of the personal data that you provide to us when you use our website as well as the protection measures put in place.

Hypertext links to other sites, shown on our website, are not governed by our policy. Therefore, we invite you to inform yourself about the rules applicable to personal information that you will be required to disclose, we cannot take responsibility in the case of bad practice of these sites concerning data protection.


The first time that you connect to our website, a banner will appear at the bottom of your screen to warn you that information about your browsing may be recorded, subject to your agreement, on your computer (or tablet, smartphone, etc.), in files called “cookies”.

According to the CNIL, some cookies are exempt from your prior agreement as they are necessary for the operation of our website or have the sole purpose of enabling or facilitating communication by electronic means. This includes, but is not limited to, session IDs, authentication credentials, and customizing cookies for your interface.

For the sake of precision, a cookie is a text file that generates no viruses.


Cookies allow us to both understand how you use our site and to present you with relevant information, customized to your personal needs, therefore optimizing your browsing experience.

If you do not wish to use cookies, please configure the settings of your browser allowing you to approve or reject requests to store cookies.

You can disable cookies by using the tool “tarteaucitron” which manages your cookies via a banner situated at the bottom right your browser page, it lists all of the active cookies. If you wish to disable cookies, click on the cross which is located at the top right of the banner.

For information, if you disable all or some cookies, some features of our website may be compromised or some pages inaccessible.

Ski France Premium use in particular, the following cookies: – Microsoft, – Microsoft, – Facebook – Facebook, – Google, – Google,,,,, – TripAdvisor,, – Zendesk, skifrance-premium, skifrance-classic.


Personal data comprises of any information which identifies you directly or indirectly as a physical person, in which you have voluntarily communicated with us whilst using our website, included but not limited to, your name, email address, date of birth, country of residence, etc.


The manager is the company EUROGROUP, SAS with a capital of 2 100 000 €. The registered address of the office is: 472 Rue de la Leysse 73000 CHAMBERY, registered with the “Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés de Chambréy” under the number 383 109 873.

Data Protection Officer: Coralie BERTOJO Email:


The data collected is mainly intended to achieve the following objectives:

  • To authenticate you in order to access your client area
  • To send you newsletters or any other useful documentation relating to your booking (For example, vouchers, payments, etc.)
  • To send you (prior to your consent), commercial offers and promotional emails about our stays
  • To offer you a chance to participate in games and competitions
  • To be transmitted to our commercial partners to enable you to book their services via our website (skiset, ), without any promotional objective
  • To carry out studies and research with the aim of improving our services


 In regards to communication, the conservation of personal data cannot exceed 36 months, and cookies are kept for a maximum of 12 months.


It is entirely possible for you to manage the collection or use of your personal data.

If you wish to refuse the use of your personal information for commercial purposes, you must specify this when filling out the form at the bottom right of your browser.

If this is already the case and you wish to reconsider your decision, according to the Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, you have a right to access, amend and oppose to the processing of your data personal.

To exercise this right, please send an email to, or a letter to the following address: EUROGROUP Company 472 Rue de la Leysse 73 000 CHAMBERY, accompanied by proof of your identity. (A signed scan of your valid ID if you contact us by email), (or a signed photocopy of your valid ID if you write to us.)

In all cases, we aim to respond to your request, whatever it may be, in a reasonable time-frame, and no more than 2 months after the receipt of your request.


This policy may be modified, particularly in the event of changes in the legislation in action.